Finding your people: Safe spaces in New Hampshire

3 min readJun 26, 2023


This graphic was created by Richella Simard and Broken Spoon

In New Hampshire and across the country, white nationalist extremist groups are growing, posing a threat to the safety of our communities, especially for people who have been historically marginalized. These extremist groups, and others who agree with the ideologies they represent, are trying to tear us down and make people feel small, powerless, and alone. And federally and locally, harmful legislation is being introduced to attack women, LGBTQIA+, and BIPOC rights.

Our community, especially LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC people, need safe, affirming, inclusive spaces more than ever. These are safe spaces where you can gather with and find “your people.” And these enterprises need our financial support — imagine if our dollars went to businesses, artists, and community organizations that make our state a better, safer place to live.

I run an Instagram account (@nohategranitestate), which started as a community advocacy project focused on holding present and future elected officials and community leaders accountable to denounce white supremacy in New Hampshire. Our strongest community leaders in this work are small businesses and organizations.

At the beginning of Pride month, I created a story series asking my followers to shout out their favorite LGBTQIA+ organizations, artists, and businesses to support. This led to another story series asking my followers to shout out places that are safe and welcoming in New Hampshire. There were so many businesses, spaces, and organizations named from every corner of the Granite State — and this list was cultivated by the people who frequent them the most. It helped me find new places to visit and direct my dollars. Many followers reached out to ask me to save these stories so they could revisit them, and I have included them in a Safe Spaces highlight.

To continue spreading the love to these community leaders, I have included them as a list in this blog. My dream for the future? That New Hampshire Magazine’s Best of NH, The Hippo Press’ Best of, and WMUR’s Viewers Choice — three media influencers that already spotlight the best that our state has to offer — would consider having a category for minority business enterprises and havens for the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC community. Until that happens here are some great places to support (and some may have online stores you can support too):

Looking for more? The Affirming Spaces Project trains business and organizations as designated community partners that want to ensure everyone feels comfortable in their space, regardless of gender. The partners are added to an updated, vetted database.




Written by NoHateGraniteState

A community advocacy project to hold present & future decision-makers accountable to denounce white supremacy. Insta: @nohategranitestate

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